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Welcome to the Park Hill Residents' Association

Find us on Facebook (click here) and follow us on Instagram at PHRA_Yonkersny!

Important Notice to New & Renewing PHRA Members

It's been brought to our attention that people trying to renew their PHRA memberships have been experiencing difficulties with the payment system on our website. This is caused by changes at the site's host, Club Express. We are working with them on a solution. In the meantime, you may pay your dues by sending a check to the following address: 

Park Hill Residents' Association
P.O. Box 59
Yonkers, NY 10705

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!

Fun for All at the Park Hill Community Picnic!

On Sunday, August 4th, Park Hill neighbors met up at the Tibbetts Brook Park pavilion for the Park Hill Community Picnic and Ice Cream Social. There was music, food, and ice cream (of course), as well as clowns, face painting, and other activities for kids. The weather was a bit unsettled, but the covered pavilion kept out the showers and a good time was had by all! Thanks to Martha Mercedes for organizing this great annual event and to all the volunteers who worked hard to make it a success. See you again next summer!

Thanks to All Who Attended the Park Hill Annual Meeting and Candidates Night!
On Wednesday, June 19th, about 50 Park Hill residents braved the heat to attend the annual Park Hill Neighborhood Meeting and Candidates' Night. The event began with a welcome by PHRA Board President Claudia Espinoza, a financial report from PHRA Treasurer Martha Mercedes, and a "state of the neighborhood" recap by Board Vice-President Jenifer Young. Park Hill resident Bernard Kellam then spoke about the meaning of the Juneteenth holiday and the importance of recognizing the contributions of African Americans to our country.

Following the annual meeting portion of the event, attendees were able to hear from, and ask questions of, candidates George Latimer, who is running for Congress from New York's 16th Congressional District, and Susan Cacace, who is running for Westchester County District Attorney. Westchester County legislator Jose Alvarado and Yonkers City Councilmember Corazon Pineda-Isaac (who are not up for election this year) also spoke. We appreciate the candidates and elected officials making time for us in their busy schedules. Please make sure to cast your primary ballot by June 25th!
Check Out the Latest Park Hill Reporter!

Did you know that Park Hill, which has historically had numerous residents gifted in the visual and performing arts, still nurtures a wealth of creativity? The Winter 2023 edition of the Park Hill Reporter celebrates some of the many talented artists who call our neighborhood home. From painting to printmaking to sculpture, murals, ceramics, fiber arts, and acting, Park Hill abounds with creative energy. Artists featured include Richard Haas, Debbie Gioello, Barbara Segal, Satish Joshi, Richard Bonomo, Marla Hazan, Dena Schutzer, Deborah Holcombe, and Leah Thomas. Check out the many photos of their vibrant work!

Also in this issue is a recap of neighborhood events sponsored by PHRA and others. And don't miss the article on United Yonkers, a new citywide organization dedicated to engaging with City of Yonkers administration on quality-of-life issues--in particular the intrusion of high-rise development into our quiet residential neighborhoods. Finally, please remember to patronize the local businesses that advertise in the Reporter--we have great food, shops, and services close to home!

Click on the cover image to the left  to see the new issue... we hope you enjoy it! And feel free to suggest topics for future issues at We look forward to hearing from you. 

PHRA In Action: Share Your Non-Emergency Public Safety Concerns with YPD

The Park Hill Residents' Association is partnering with the Yonkers Police Department to respond to the community's concerns about public safety. If you have a non-emergency concern related to public safety, please click on the link below to fill out a short questionnaire providing details on the issue. The questionnaire will go directly to the PHRA Board, and we will share it with YPD and request their action. We'll report back to the community each month on how YPD is responding to your concerns. (Please note: This is for non-emergency issues only. In case of an emergency, dial 911.)

Report a Public Safety Concern


Park Hill Tree Survey

In our recent quality of life survey, many neighbors say the natural setting of Park Hill is something they value highly. However, many large trees have been cut down in our neighborhood over the past few years. The Park Hill Residents' Association would like to understand why this is happening. Click the button below to complete the Park Hill Tree Survey and help us learn the reasons for tree removal. We will share the results on the website. You can also skip to the last question in the survey if you'd just like to share your thoughts about trees in Park Hill.

Take the Survey

PHRA Needs Your Talents and Energy!

Our Quality of Life Survey revealed that Park Hill neighbors are passionate about our community. Why not put that passion to work in helping to make it better? We're looking for new members for the PHRA Board of Directors who can lend their skills to help plan community events, write articles for our newsletter, and advocate for Park Hill's interests. We're also developing a list of volunteers for neighborhood events like clean-ups, the Tag Sale, the Garden Tour, and the annual residents' meeting. It's a great way to meet your neighbors while helping improve our quality of life! If you're interested, please email
. We can't wait to hear from you!
Join the PHRA or Renew Your Membership Today!

It's never too late (or too early) to join the Park Hill Residents' Association or to renew your existing membership! By supporting the PHRA, you are saying, “Let’s keep Park Hill beautiful and safe.”  Our neighborhood association works closely with city government, the Parks Department, and the Police Department to make sure our issues and concerns are getting their attention. Your dues help the PHRA to:
  • Have a stronger voice with the City by showing a large membership
  • Help maintain three Park Hill gardens (Park Hill sign, Wendover Road, and Leslie Sutherland Park)
  • Cover expenses for printing and mailing the newsletter and other notices
  • Cover expenses for maintaining the website and other social media
  • Sponsor neighborhood clean-up days, the annual tag sale, and other special events

If you haven't been a member before, just click the "Member Sign Up" tab at the upper right corner of this page. If you are currently a member or have been in the recent past, log in and click "Renew" in the drop-down menu under your name (also at the upper right corner). Join us, volunteer, and get involved today! 

Park Hill Neighborhood Quality of Life Survey: The Results Are In!

We asked for your opinion... and you came through! Many, many thanks to the over 100 people who responded to the Park Hill Neighborhood Quality of Life Survey. We've compiled the survey results, which you can access at the link here. Some key findings are:

  • Things that residents most enjoy about Park Hill are the neighborhood's appearance and character, interesting neighbors with diverse backgrounds, and accessibility.
  • The top three biggest problems people perceive are noise pollution, traffic and parking, and trash and dumping.
  • Park Hill residents strongly urge the city to step up enforcement of traffic laws and public nuisance laws (such as those on noise and littering), increase police presence, and install cameras to monitor illegal activity. 

The full survey results include answers to other questions and many additional comments provided by survey respondents. PHRA will be sharing these results with city and county officials and using them to help focus our volunteer efforts.  Thanks again to all those who participated!

Park Hill Makes Westchester Magazine's "Best Places to Live" List!

Park Hill is on the map! While the fact that our neighborhood is awesome isn't news to anyone who lives here, Westchester Magazine just told the world in a recent article on the "Best Places to Live in Westchester County in 2021" (click the image on the left to link to the article). Park Hill is described as a "unique Westchester jewel" with "a wondrous collection of well-maintained Victorian homes." Scroll down toward the bottom of the article to see the writeup.

This celebration of Park Hill follows a 2020 article from the New York Times that described the area as a "secret neighborhood" with "room to breathe and impressive period homes." Check out the articles, and savor the fact that our neighborhood is getting recognized for its architecture, natural setting, and sense of community. It's nice to get good press for what we've known all along!

Help Neighbors in Need: Be a Volunteer Driver for RideConnect

Many of us have made resolutions to help our communities in 2021. Family Services of Westchester would love to have you join the RideConnect volunteer family: a network of big-hearted people of all ages and backgrounds giving rides to those aged 60+ across Westchester County. If you have reliable wheels, a valid driver’s license, a good driving record, and a bit of time and flexibility, you’re a perfect fit. Join us and help older residents who can’t drive get to their much needed medical appointments.

One of the greatest things about volunteering with RideConnect (other than the wonderful smiles you’ll get from those you drive): you can give as little or as much time as your schedule allows. You choose when you volunteer and how often. Follow this link to see a testimonial from a RideConnect volunteer who has found fulfillment in helping seniors get where they need to go. 

In 2021, will you consider giving the gift of mobility and independence to seniors across Westchester County? By doing so, you will help change lives, one ride at a time. Should you have any questions at all or for more information, contact Marietta C. Manoni, Mobility Manager, RideConnect, at (914) 242-7433 or click here to go directly to the volunteer page on their website. Thank you for caring for your neighbors!

Stay Informed... Join the PHRA Email List 
In addition to updating the website, the PHRA sends emails to members and other interested parties with information on upcoming events or news of interest to Park Hill residents. While we would love for you to become a member, we invite you to simply sign up for the email list to get the latest on what's going on in the neighborhood. Your privacy is important to us, and we do not share our email lists. To join, simply click on "Add Me To Your Mailing List" at the upper left-hand corner of this page. To join PHRA as a member, click the "Member Sign Up" tab. Thanks for your interest, and we look forward to seeing you at future events! 


Fall 2022

Winter 2022

Fall  2021



In 1888, the American Real Estate Company established the Park Hill section of Yonkers. They created a community amid one of the most naturally beautiful areas in Westchester County. The neighborhood quickly attracted people who worked in Manhattan, but who wanted to live in a more tranquil setting. Among Park Hill's early residents were celebrities from the stage, screen and radio. The English actor Richard Bennett and his daughters Joan and Constance lived here. Dennis O'Brien, the corporate counsel for United Artists, hosted parties at his Park Hill home where guests included Charlie Chaplin, George M. Cohan, Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks. Alfred and Dora McCann broadcast their WOR radio program from their Park Hill house, and drummer Gene Krupa made his home here. A variety of artists still live here in a distinctive community where they are neighbors with plumbers, doctors, secretaries, clerks, teachers and others. A recent profile of our neighborhood in the New York Times delves into a little more of this history.